Prayers for Job Interviews
In a fiercely competitive job market, interviews can be intimidating. When opportunities are few and far between, the pressure resting on your ability to nail the interview is immense. Knowing your stuff and being confident is vital, but so is prayer. God gives us a sense of peace that allows us to go into an interview representing ourselves the best way that we possibly can.
How do we pray when heading into an important interview?
Pray for the Right Words to Speak
The weight surrounding a critical interview can leave us tongue-tied. The pressure can fog up our minds and make it hard to articulate ourselves clearly. It's troubling when this happens because we may genuinely have the skills and experience necessary to be the best fit for a particular position. Still, our inability to express it clearly can hold us back. "Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say" (Exodus 4:12, NIV).
Prayer: Lord, You have given me a unique skill set that would lend well to many things. Be with my mouth and teach me what to say to appropriately express my skills and experience to those who I speak to today. Help me to communicate in a humble way how I can be blessing to their organization and contribute to what they do in a powerful way. Amen!
Pray for the Strength to Accept God's Plan
No matter how well you do in an interview, it is not a guarantee of anything. Things can fall through for so many reasons that are not in your control. Sometimes, we simply have to accept God's plan and move on, trusting that He is planning something better for us. Maybe that plan involves a change of focus or a career path that we have been to scared to follow. Sometimes all we can do is walk in faith, remembering that "in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, NIV).
Prayer: Lord, though it's hard for me to admit, sometimes I am not in control, but I know that You are, and that I can fully trust in You. Remind me of this each day and teach me how to rely on You instead of myself. Reveal the plan You have for me and set my feet on that path. Amen!
Pray for Confidence
It's completely normal to be nervous for a job interview. There is admittedly a lot riding on it, as it could be a position that dictates the future course of your life. In light of this, we must pray for the confidence that comes from being a child of God and trusting in the path He has called us to. We must ask for the ability to live out Psalm 90:17: " May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. " (NIV).
Prayer: Lord, I pray that nothing hold me back in the pursuit of the calling You have put on my life. Please lead me to that job that I am equipped to do. Settle my mind and remove all anxiety. Open doors of opportunity and grant me favor as I interview. Help me draw confidence from the assurance of Your presence as You bless my efforts as I seek employment. Amen!
Don't let the pressure of your next interview hold you back from an opportunity that would truly benefit your life. Rely on God's strength through prayer, trusting that He will fill you with the right words to speak, the foresight to accept His plan, and the confidence to impress your potential employer.